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Obligations towards the family

Obligations towards the family

THIS is what women (in relationships) are truly looking for. Not just the love and care, not just the trust, although those are vitally important. It is the fact that the man is taking responsibility for what he wants authority over.

It is because of this need/want that I would willingly enter relationship. Not because I am lazy. Not because I don't care. But because this way of life holds both parties responsible for their behaviour, and the consequences for not following through go for both.




As long as my husband was willing to accept that he had certain obligations towards his family as part of being head of the household, and carried them through, and fully accepted the consequences of failure in that area, then I'd be willing to do the same. Not because it's in my nature, or because I have inner yearnings, but because there are always two sides to any relationship, and in this kind, my man and I are finally equal in responsibility and consequence.

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