The woman runs the show.
The woman runs the show.
I wholeheartedly agree!!! I read an article a while back that pointed out that there are a lot of tv shows that bash the man. He can work and pay the bills but the woman runs the show. He is painted as an oaf. He messes up and goes to the woman to fix it. They named specific shows, a few of which my husband and I enjoyed watching together. We joked that it was us they were talking about. When this point was made in the article I was beside myself. I realized how much we just let in in the name of entertainment not realizing that our kids are seeing this (and we have two boys). That they are seeing men portrayed poorly. At least 50 yrs ago when woman were portrayed in the submissive role- we weren't shown as bumbling idiots. I really agree with you and I think there are a lot more woman out there who would too.